How can I buy if I'm not in Germany?
You can make an order by adding desired goods to the shopping cart. Please add your mailing adress, e-mail and the contact phone number. This will be needed in case of any issues.
What would be the shipping costs?
You can see the shipping costs instantly in shopping cart by making an order.
You can also find the list of countries for free shipping here.
How long does it takes to deliver?
We ship with DHL and Hermes all over the world.
The approximate delivery time in EU is 5 to 7 business days.
Please keep in mind that the approx. delivery time overseas (USA & Canada) may take from the day of purchase - up to 20 > days,
due to COVID-19 restrictions.
How do I pay?
The easiest way is - Paypal.
You also have an option to pay with credit card.
Personal Data
We are doing our best to offer the best Service for every single customer. Your personal data will be stored properly. The company does not share your data with third parties.